Whoa! We're halfway there!

June 29, 2020

We're halfway through 2020, that is. I honestly can't believe six months ago I was in the Mexico MTC just dying to get out to Argentina. Six months and one pandemic later, here I am in Texas. The Lord surely works in mysterious ways.

In related news, Texas is spiking in Coronavirus cases. While that hasn't necessarily affected Plainview, I don't think we'll be going back to church in a while. 

We weren't able to meet with Andrew this week because he was pretty busy because he got a job, which is good for him. But he has been reading his Book of Mormon and praying, so that's been super good to hear! His testimony is so strong, we just need to meet with him to get him ready for baptism. 

I'm getting pretty good at disc golf. There's a course close to our apartment that we go play at. We go play for about an hour for our going outside and getting fresh air time. I'm getting better, but I mainly play for fun 

Aaaaaaand that's kind of it. Kind of a boring week but you know, quarantine and what not. 

President and Sister Child and President and Sister Hales
Oh yeah, President Hales leaves tonight. He really is so beloved in the mission, everyone loves him so much. President Child will do really well, though.

Spiritual thought for the week! I love Elder Bednar's "Patterns of Light" videos, make sure to check them out! The one about revelation details 3 ways we receive revelation. The 3rd way he describes is like walking on a foggy day. You can't see where you're supposed to go- until you take those first few steps you can see. Then you can see a few more steps. And then a few more- until we can see the end goal.

Have a great week! 

Elder Jonathan Barrus


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