I Came, I Saw, I Stayed Another Transfer
Transfer came and I'm staying in Standart Sur with Elder Peterson for one more transfer!! And then Elder Peterson is going to leave probably because he has literally spent his whole mission here, and he has like six months. So yay!
This week absolutely flew by, I dunno how that all happened. And I realized that I have been in Comodoro for more time than I was in the CCM (shoutout to District 7C getting through the first transfer!!) Time is weird here. People always told me that, but now I really understand.
Our P day is now on Tuesdays, so that is cool. President changed most of our schedule so that we can be out working basically every night now. Hopefully we'll be able to do well in the work! Speaking of which, a lot has happened! Let me catch you up!!
Maite still isn't baptized, just waiting on the say-so from her parents. She absolutely loves the gospel and loves coming to Churh, but we still need to get her parents on board first.
Juan and Rosa are not baptized. We are still meeting with them and they have all the lessons, but they're not sure about a few of the commandments. So we'll see how we can help them this week.
I can't remember if I told you about Rodrigo, but all his family are members except for him. He comes to Church every week but doesn't quite know for sure that the Church is true, at least enough to get baptized. So we're going to keep visiting with him and seeing how he's doing.
And then we had a bunch of new people to teach this week! One of them, Tomas, came out of his house while we were trying to find his neighbor, so we decided to go talk to him. We had the whole first lesson of the Restoration with him and gave him a Book of Mormon, so that was super cool!
And then we met with Laura and her daughter Alison, and they are fantastic! Basically Alison knows how to say "hello!" and "how are you?" in English and said them to us one day, so we started talking and gave her a little card from the Church. And then later she said her mom wants to learn more about Christ! And so we visited their house and talked about the gospel of Jesus Christ and a little bit about the Restoration, and it was so cool! They accepted a Book of Mormon and everyone could feel the Spirit, I am very excited for them to learn more about this Church!
That's kinda it, Elder Peterson doesn't have pharyngitis anymore which is nice x) The work is progressing really well in our area, which has been really cool to see. Hopefully we can see some people decide to accept Christ fully into their lives and be baptized, entering into the straight and narrow way. If you want, go read 2 Nepi 31 to learn more about the doctrine of Christ. :)
I love you all! Hope all of you are doing well, I know I am. Good luck in all of your strengths and struggles, and remember that Christ is there for you every step of the way!
(also sorry no pictures x)
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